José Luis Muñoz
3 min readMay 6, 2021

Have you ever had the thought of starting something that you really want but you just fear every single thing about it?

Because I have.

The most difficult thing is to start and that’s no secret.

Too many times, I’ve decided to start down a new path and I think “what if fail?” , “what if i’m not good enough?”.

When I decided that I would start writing, I started to fear what people would say about me: “This guy is weird” , “No one cares about he says” , “Sh*t, this guy again”, “What is he talking about? He just wants attention”, “No one will ever read me”.

Honestly, I still have those thoughts. They never go away.

We are often held up by our own minds and eventually, we never take any action and we end up in a vicious cycle of despair. It all goes downhill from there.

But we need to know that these things only exist in our mind, this despair can go away by starting that thing you always wanted to start.

Action is the antidote to despair.

You have to start now with you have and what you know.

No one knows it all, we won’t start knowing everything about it, we will learn along the way so don’t stress too much about it. Eventually, we’ll get the hang of it.

Ask yourself: What if I…

Focus on the possible positive outcome?

What if I am really good?

What if it works?

What if I can make the world around me better?

What if I learn this?

What if this helps me change the path of my life?

What if it is one of the best decisions of my life?

If you’re excited about doing something, most likely you’ll be happy to have done it. You just have to go through a short time of something challenging to emerge to this happy state.

Picture yourself on the good side of your challenge.

Olympia LePoint (author, professional speaker and award-winning rocket scientist) in her Ted Talk: Reprogramming your brain to overcome fear tells us her story of how she rose from poverty to being a successful rocket-scientist and the stones she had to overcome in her path.

Yup, you guessed it, fear was one of that stones.

In summary, she gives us these steps to overcome fear:

1.Name our fear and reject it.

We need to identify what are we afraid of so we can face it. It’s like going to war. How in the world would you go to war if you don’t know who is the enemy?

Once we know our fears, we have to reject them. We have to be 100% decided that we want them out of our minds.

2. Reprogram our brain.

Our brains are like computers, you must take out the “fear” virus. We can’t control what we feel, but we can control our thoughts. And those thoughts need to be better ones.

3. Tell ourselves we can make a big difference.

Sometimes we don’t trust our abilities, our capacities or we don’t believe that we can achieve great things. As humans, we are pretty bad at picturing our future selves. Believe that you can make great things.

No one will believe in us if we don’t believe in ourselves.

Of course, it will take time and lots of effort. It’s not a simple thing to do. It’s cliche, but it’s true “Nothing good comes easy”. Your efforts one day will pay off. Stay consistent.

Someday you will look back on all the progress you made and be so glad you didn’t give up.

Don’t be so harsh on yourself.

Everything that you see around you, was once an idea.

You are unique. Your ideas are unique.

Embrace that idea.

Chase that idea.

You can do it.

I believe in you.

With Love, José.

